OSAKA is for LOVERS: Wish You Were There! 不思議の国のアリ~*☆~*~★~**


Last week, I came back from my vacation in the Kinki region, the cultural center 2nd only to Tokyo in any way that actually matters in Japan. You may not believe it but, amazingly, it was my first trip to mainland Japan since moving to Hokkaido 2 years ago. Just for the novelty of it, I went by night train through the Seikan Tunnel, the longest underwater tunnel in the world that connects the north island to Honshu, which of course, was an experience in itself. I made some friends and and had a midnight beer party whilst inside the tunnel, and we kept shouting “We’re drinking…under the sea!!!” Then, after finally going to bed, a earthquake in Fukushima shook us on our rails, almost toppled us all off our bunks, stopping the train in its tracks. We were all then ushered onto a Shinkasen for a safe ride to Tokyo. Having safely survived the journey, I stepped stepped out into Osaka… and immediately looked for a public bath. In all the fuss to evacuate the train, they had canceled my morning shower, you see.


In Osaka, I stayed with and was cared for by the Mooch’s Family, the Onos, especially his sister Yoko, who was by my side the whole time (and yes, I’m sure my eagle-eyed readers have already put together that her name is “Yoko Ono”… I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me before I figure THAT out). The major thing we did was going to Universal Studios Japan, and what I noticed, with almost startling realization, was how all the movies featured in the attractions were favorites of my friends back home. After a while, I began to believe it was a wonderland made especially for Shaun Gaynor, Andrew Emmerich, A.J. Ema, Adam Hogan, Derek Carson, and especially my old roomie Nick Lambeth.  

ユニバーサル・スタジオの会場に入ってから, 最初にやったのは、ターミネーターのアトラクションでした。最初に、赤いスーツ着ていた女のサイバーダイン会社員は私たち招き入れて、私たちに話しかけました。私がどこからきたか、聞かれたときにとっても大きな声で「アメリカ!!!!」と叫んだので彼女は「まぁ子どもっぽい!」とふざけたて言うと、そこに居たみんなが大笑いしました。それから、サイバーダイン社のホールに入って。。。シークレットは隠しておくけど、すごくわくわくできましたよ!特にニックちゃんはターミネーターが大好きだから、日本人のアクターの代わりに、私はニックちゃんとサラ・コナーとジョーン・コナーを演技してみたいです!次は、スパイダーマンのアトラクションに乗りました。テーマは、私たちが、スパイダーマンと町を回って、悪人と戦う。このアトラクションの中では体感ができ、感激しました。私のお気に入りになったでしょう。。。その日は暑かったから、中に入って、シュービートルジュースのショーを見ながら、休憩しました。しかし、ティム・バートンの映画のほうが面白いから、あまりお勧めできないですね。今度気になったら、映画をレンタルしてくださいね!!!バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーのデロリアンに乗った時、楽しみにしていましたけど、中は暑かったから、アリも葉子さんもすぐ気持ち悪くなったので、残念でした。とても暑かったので、次ジュラシック・パークに入って、水がかかったから気持ち良かったです!でも、セントルイス市の遊園地でそういうアトラクションもあるので、そんなに怖くなかったです。たけど、楽しかった!反対に、ジョーズの船は、もう暗くなったから、スリルがあって、もっともっと楽しかった!!!

I’m pretty sure Nick and I could have done better job playing John and Sarah Connor than the Japanese people in wigs in the live action Terminator attraction; I can’t think of any one else who I would more enjoy getting caught up in a fight between T-1000 and T-800 with inside Cyberdyne. And why wasn’t Derek sitting in the passenger seat of my Delorean, watching excitedly as the speedmeter slowly climb to 88 mph as to activate the flux capacitor?! And I would have really enjoyed getting trapped in a warehouse full of Velociraptors with Shaun Gaynor, if only to hear him remark how much it was like Tidal Wave at Six Flags. And I could just imagine Andrew ripping the riffel from the bored Japanese carnie’s hands and blowing the great white from Jaws to kingdom come. And Hogan… well, he might have to insert his own Waterworld reference because I fell asleep the only time I ever watched that movie and the ride was shut down anyway^^; As for A.J., all the above is true and probably goes double for him… I would have referenced him with Beetlejuice, however, the ghost with the most’s role in the park is pretty painful to accept: He stars in a monster rock show featuring outdated hit songs from the 70’s o.O Anywho, my friends would have loved it, and I would have loved them to be there, cause I love them. ❤ ❤ ❤

大阪に滞在中、アリは葉子さんに一つのお願いをしました。。。串カツを食べたかった!!!それで、葉子さんは素晴らしい店を紹介してくれました!串家物語 と言う店で、食べ放題で、自分の食べたい物をビュッフェから取って、自分で焼きます!テーブルで、生地とパン粉を漬けて、油に入れて、揚げてから食べれる!もちろん、肉と魚と野菜がイッパイあったけど、もっと面白いやつも焼いてみました!アリが自分で食べたのは:カツ、レモン・チキン、海老、ハワイイ・シュリンプ、軟骨、ウィンナー、蛸、玉葱、茄子、蓮根、南瓜、ズッキーニ、餅、チーズ、パンも!蛸焼きも!ミニ鯛焼きも!油で揚げて食べました!色々タレもあったし、大根のは一番おいしいと思っていました!デザートは滝みたいな、フルーツやマショマロを入れられるチョコレート・フォンデュでした!私と葉子さんは、ずっとアチコチアチコチに行って、きょろきょろ見て回って、忙しかったけど、楽しくてスゴクおいしかったよ!!!

One other notable Osaka experience was my first encounter with Kushi Katsu, which means, literally, “fried stuff on a stick.” Basically, you dip various foods batter and bread flakes, deep fry the hell out of them, and eat it. This is something we can all get behind, right? And at the shop I went to, it was buffet style, so you could choose whatever you wanted, bring it back to your seat, and fry it yourself in a vat of oil at your table! Foods there to dip include the normal spread of meat (pork cutlet, lemon chicken, chicken gristle, wiener, lunch meat)*, seafood (fresh shrimp, Hawaiian-style shrimp, salmon, octopus), and vegetables (onion, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, lotus root), but also included some unusual options such as cheeses (bite-sized pieces of various cheeses, cheese dumplings), mochi [sticky rice cake], and bread (yes, bread, breaded in bread flakes, and fried). Now imagine taking a pancake, breading it, deep frying it, and ingesting… that’s what it was like eating deep fried takoyaki [dough balls with octopus in the middle] and taiyaki [dough molded into the shape of a fish and injected with sweet red beans] at this place! Add endless options for sauces (sweet, spicy, katsu [like BBQ sauce], cheese, radish, plum, ponzu [citrus-y soy sauce],…) ,and top it off with all the sweets and fruit you can drown in a chocolate fountain, and you got the full Kushi Katsu experience! Needless to say after that, as we say in Japanese, “my stomach broke” @_@

*Everything listed are the things I tried there.


Next time, I’ll be writing a rather more informative post about Kyoto for you Japan buffs in the audience, so be sure to come again and check it out!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. That Shaun guy.
    Aug 30, 2011 @ 03:39:26

    Real name Google hits +1!

    Fried stuff on a stick? That seems very state fair to me. And I *did* go on the T2-3D ride with Shipman when we went to Orlando that one summer. It all seems pretty fun. Glad that train earthquake wasn’t scarier!


  2. That Shaun guy.
    Aug 30, 2011 @ 03:39:47

    PS First


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